Timeline of the French Revolution: Causes of the French Revolution Timeline 1756-1789
Seven Years War: France allied with Austria. Loses many overseas territories to Britain.
Rousseau publishes the Social Contract
May 16: The future Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette
Paris Parlement abolished.
May 10: Louis XVI crowned King of France
August 24: Turgot appointed Minister of Finance
October: Paris Parlement recalled
American Revolution begins
October 22: Necker made finance minister.
July Lafayette sails for America to assist the American colonials
February 6: Treaty of Alliance signed between France and American revolutionaries.
July 10: France declares war against Britain
December 19: Marie Antoinette gives birth to Marie-Thérèse Charlotte.
January: Necker published the national accounts the Compte Rendu
May 19: Necker leaves the government
October 22: The dauphin Louis Joseph de France is born.
September 3: Peace of Paris signed France gains little
November 3: Calonne becomes minister of finance.
March 27: Louis-Charles born the future Louis XVII.
August: Diamond Necklace Affair becomes apparent.
August 20: Calonne proposes reforms to Louis XVI in face of imminent bankruptcy.
February 22: Opening of the Assembly of the Notables.
April 8: Calonne dismissed.
April 30: Étienne Charles de Loménie de Brienne appointed minister of finances
May 25: Assembly of Notables ends having agreed nothing
June-October France refuses to become involved in pro French Dutch rebels whose rebellion is put down by Prussians.
August: Both parlements of Paris and Bordeaux are exiled.
November 19: King agrees for the first time for a calling of the Estates General. When D’Orleans protests at King’s issuing of lit de justice a Lettres de Cachet is issued for the exiling of D’Orleans.
May 3: “Declaration of the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom.” Issued by Paris parlement stating that the calling of the Estates General is essential for all new taxes.
May 4-8: Louis issues edicts against parlement has two members arrested.
June 7: Day of Tiles in Grenoble
August 8: Parlement of Paris refuses to reform the tax system or loan the Crown more money. The Minister of Finance, Brienne agrees for the calling of the Estates General for the following year.
August 26: Necker replaces Brienne as Minister of the Finances.
December 27: Necker announces that the representation of the Third Estate will be doubled.
January: The Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès publishes his pamphlet, "What is the Third Estate?"
February-June elections in provinces for Estates-General
April 27: Riots in Paris by Réveillon workers
May 5: Formal opening of the Estates-General at Versailles.