The Tale of the Nazi Spies in Broadstairs

You can wander down Stanley Road in Broadstairs where Dr Goertz and his cousin stayed. Not much to see really instead you probably want to soak your feet in the English channel, grab an ice cream or have some fish and chips. Or maybe you want to see where the Waterloo dispatch landed or Dickens’ abode Bleak House both of which no doubt are Tales I will tell on another day.You might also care to sup at the 39 Nine Steps micropub which is splendid and is a reference to John Buchan who wrote his spy thriller in this this very town. I also went to the Magnet pub which has no connections to spies but was grand.

If you are interested and want to learn more about this fascinating topic then why not try some of these fascinating works.

I first heard about this story when I was mooching about the internet and came across the Stella Maris website which is awash with interesting stories from the area.

If you are interested in the Irish perspective of this story then you can read this interesting Times newspaper review (which unfortunately is behind a paywall) about a new book published by Marc McMenamin on Ireland’s Secret War. Or if you don’t want to gives the Times your money then you can look at this website on Hermann’s time in Ireland.

You can have a gander at MI5: British Security Service Operations, 1909–1945: The True Story by Nigel West which was illuminating on the subject.

If you want to go to Sussex History Forum you can even have a chat with them about this case

You will be able to find newspapers from the time on the case as it was somewhat of a sensation.